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Erlang plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

Key features


  1. Download the latest IntelliJ IDEA build and install it
  2. Setup the latest version of Erlang plugin from Configure > Plugins > Browse Repositories... > Erlang
  3. Restart IntelliJ IDEA.
  4. Done! You can import your existing Erlang project or create the new one.


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User Interface

Very nice guide about IntelliJ user interface.

Erlang SDK setup

You need to specify a directory that contains bin directory with erl and erlc executables inside.
Also that directory should contains releases dir inside.
Some predefined paths:
  • /usr/lib/erlang (Linux)
  • /opt/local/lib/erlang (Mac Ports on Mac OS X)
  • /usr/local/Cellar/erlang/R*/lib/erlang (Homebrew on Mac OS X)
If something goes wrong you always may reopen the #31.

Rebar integration

First of all, you need to provide the right path to the Rebar executable (Settings > Erlang External Tools).

Note for Mac OS X users. Please, check that the PATH for IntelliJ contains rebar executable.
For further information see Stackoverflow answer and #189 issue.

Note for Windows users. Please checkout how to install rebar for Windows.

After you have set your rebar path up you can create a new Rebar run configuration(Run > Edit run configurations...),
use a little green button on the top left corner:
Or execute an existing one (Run > Run...)
You may create run configuration for every command which Rebar supports, e.g. compile or clean, etc.
Skip dependencies checkbox adds skip_deps=true command for Rebar executable.
To run eunit tests with rebar you can either create a Rebar Eunit run configuration or use a right-click context menu item 'Run ...' or 'Create ...' having clicked on a module(s), a unit test or a generator function you want to run.
Rebar-based Eunit test runner:
To set rebar as a default build action make sure you have checked Compile project with rebar checkbox:
After that your project will be built with 'rebar compile' command when you run Build > Make Project. Compilation result:

Project structure

In version 0.5 we've added additonal per-module configuration parameters(see Project Structure > Modules).
There you can setup your modules' include paths and global parse transformations.


Version 0.5 introduces experimental Erlang debugger support.
In order to use debugger you need to have debug_info checkbox under Settings > Compiler > Erlang Compiler checked.
You also need an Erlang Application run configuration which will be used by debugger. Such configuration can be created by right-clicking on entry point function.

Then you can use this configuration to debug your program:

The debugger requires Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (epmd) to be running. If it's not up, a warning will be issued. To start the daemon run any Erlang node on your machine, for example with erl -sname foo -s init stop -noshell command.